Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quick trip to visit Jacob in Yosemite.

After the trip to the Oregon coast we drove down to Yosemite (long drive) to see Jacob while he is working in Yosemite for 3 months. His friend, Katie, got him a job there. He is loving it, fresh air, meeting new people from all over the world, feels healthy and strong. We took a short hike to Dog Lake, watched a presentation on frogs, swam in the river, had dinner, went to a campfire and star gazed. We were just sorry that we didn't have more time. Miss ya Jacob.

Climbing in Tuolumne (2wallome)

This dome is called "Crying Time Again" - good name for it. Jake has climbed this and many other climbs. He didn't inherit my fear of heights - luckily!!

"Bear Host"

Here's Jake showing off his co-workers.
He is a Bear Host, no he doesn't greet people naked, he tracks, relocates and chases bears in the park. This mama bear and her cub were across from his campsite!!

Quick dip in the river before dinner

Home Sweet Home in Tuolumne

Highlights from the Oregon Coast, August 2010

The gals

The guys and the babies.

Katie holding Mason, Seth holding Rose.

Bert and Ben brought friends, Jared and Kolby.

August Trip

We headed to Oregon for a week vacation. We stayed with David and Jane the first night and then went to Twin Rocks on the coast to meet up with Cathy and family. Here Kevin is with his brother Darrell in Grant's Pass, I'm at my parents headstone.

Castle Curtis 0 under construction

GRANDkids!! Gotta LOVE them!!

Jaxon loves balls, Savannah is a good big sister, Noah gets the helmet off soon!

Sunday dinner group shot


It's official! Emily and Casey are engaged to be married on December 18th. Her parents came to town and we had dinner with them - very nice people. The two are still in school and will be for awhile. He plans on medical school and she plans on becoming a Nurse.
We are very happy and wish them the very best of everything!!

David James turns 25

His two favorite girls!

Anti Nephi Knee Highs

David came to Sunday dinner with these longs socks on, Noah, not to be out done had to pull his up and they had to show off their legs.
I love my boys!!