Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrating Christmas early

Noah, Steph, Noah & Micah came to dinner on Dec 19 because they flew to Sacramento on the 20th.
We had a dinner of Salmon, shrimp, baked potatoes etc.  Then we dressed up for the nativity.  Noah Ray wanted to be the donkey.  He was very good at flopping his ears and saying "he haw he haw".  I made the manger scene out of 2 white cardboard tri-folds with crayons and glitter.


Kevin shows off his straight teeth when his braces were removed.
Micah shows off his two bottom teeth.

Savannah's dance recital

Elder Bert returns home

Noah loves Tow Mater

Ward Party

Santa Micah
Stephanie sings a solo
Paula painted scenery and made costumes

Miach - Noah's 3rd birthday

Day out with Noah & Santa

With Grace

Friday, November 2, 2012

I hope they call me on a mission

Elder Ben Curtis

Hike to Stewart Falls


We took Savannah and Jaxon to Cornbelly's the Saturday before Halloween.  They ran and ran and jumped and slid for hours and hours.  Then we came back and rake and jumped in the leaves!!  Such good children!

Grace modeling the outfit I gave her

Grace Lily Garcia and her daddy

Paula's Birthday

For my birthday I wanted to take the grandkids to Thanksgiving Point's Farm.  We had a great day!!

With the GRANDS!!

Elder Curtis on ABC Nightline

Here's Bert with his companion, The Brown's, investigator Gloria and Bob Woodruff from ABC Nightline.

Check it out!!

April - Emily graduates from BYU nursing

Quick trip to Portland


My converted coat closet to this bench/closet/shelves/drawers.  Ricardo was the builder.  He did a great job.

Fun Uncle Jakey