Monday, March 23, 2009

The Sliver!!

Saturday was gorgeous, perfect weather and time to spend on the yard. Kevin borrowed the Bishop's rototiller and with my father supervising and Noah shoveling and pulling out unwanted grass, we now have beautiful garden and flower beds. I helped with the grass, collecting rocks and bringing the nourishment. Towards the end of the day Kevin was boxing in our garden plot, I was helping. I brushed some dirt off the red wood plank and embedded a .5 inch sliver into my middle finger (I know!) of my left hand. I tried getting it out but to no avail. I thought I'd leave it for a day and see if it would work itself out, nope, it just swelled and hurt. The entertainment for after Sunday dinner was the efforts to try and get it out again. It had sunk deep into my finger and there was no finding it. Dad said to put heat on it and go into urgent care in the morning.
First thing this morning I headed to UC. The first shots of anesthesia didn't work so the doc had to use something stronger, he said it would be numb for 8-12 hours - ok. I watched the whole thing, the doc was impressed. He really had to dig, but finally pulled out the beauty pictured above.


  1. what a good story!! :) im glad youre all better now!

  2. So happy you have a blog now. You sure have been busy catching it up. Sorry about your finger. I haven't had a sliver for years!
